Reawakening the Spirit

Daily our spirits are renewed.

By: Hazelden Meditation Series

For most of us, a spiritual awakening does not come once and for all. Instead, we have small flashes of insight here and there, and every once in a while we look back and realize with gratitude how much we have grown.

Just as our bodies need daily nourishment, so do our spirits. We can seek people and experiences that leave us feeling warm and uplifted. We can take time each day to become quiet in mind and body so that we hear the inner messages that refresh our spirits. We can read something inspirational, listen to good music, look at a beautiful painting or a sunset, grasp a friend’s hand in understanding, and say a prayer.

Our spirits bounce back from hurt and depression. They are more easily renewed when we take proper care of our bodies, since we are a total entity of heart, mind, body, and spirit.

Today, I will look for ways to feed my spirit.

No One is on Our Path Accidentally

How often do you really look, with focused intention, at the people you see in the halls at work or in line at the grocery or on the street as you wonder by? Most of us do see other people, but quite unconsciously. We need not be ashamed of how easily we dismiss the presence of others; it’s usually not deliberate. We are simply self-absorbed. The good news is that we can cultivate the belief that each person is offering us an opportunity to connect on a spiritual level. Joining with each person in this way, by making intentional eye contact, has an immediate healing effect on us and on them, too.

When we seek to see the Spirit in others in this way, strangers as well as friends, we are taking the first and very necessary step to becoming aware of that Spirit. In many cultures, looking into other people’s eyes is the highest honor we can pay them. Becoming committed to doing this, increases our peace of mind while showing others that they matter to us, too. Honoring others in this way may not feel natural at first, but if they have crossed our path, this is what we have been called to do.

How often do you really look, with focused intention, at the people you see in the halls at work or in line at the grocery or on the street as you wonder by? Most of us do see other people, but quite unconsciously. We need not be ashamed of how easily we dismiss the presence of others; it’s usually not deliberate. We are simply self-absorbed. The good news is that we can cultivate the belief that each person is offering us an opportunity to connect on a spiritual level. Joining with each person in this way, by making intentional eye contact, has an immediate healing effect on us and on them, too. When we seek to see the Spirit in others in this way, strangers as well as friends, we are taking the first and very necessary step to becoming aware of that Spirit. In many cultures, looking into other people’s eyes is the highest honor we can pay them. Becoming committed to doing this, increases our peace of mind while showing others that they matter to us, too. Honoring others in this way may not feel natural at first, but if they have crossed our path, this is what we have been called to do.